The Ministry of Labour and Social Security has reaffirmed its commitment to stop child labour through the legal framework and sensitization programs.
Speaking when he featured on Worker’s Voice on ZNBC Radio 2, on Tuesday, Labour inspector, Ian Kayelu indicated that the public needs to be knowledgeable about the difference between child labour and child work.
Mr. Kayelu said that according to the Employment Code Act no.3 of 2019, the dissimilarities between the two are that; child labour is any work that deprives a child of development; emotionally, physically and morally while child work is a chore that equips a child with skills.
“Parents should know the distinction between the two in order to build a child positively making them more productive,” he said.
“Child labour is illegal, while child work is permitted with a lot of precautions.”
Mr. Kayelu disclosed that child labour is prevalent in domestic homes and rural areas where children are tasked to engage in agricultural activities and prevented from attending school.
He said in the domestic sector, labour inspectors are required to obtain a search warrant before inspecting homes where child labour is being perpetrated.
The Labour Inspector added that with the rising investment in the mining sector, Government has taken keen interest in ensuring that child labour is discouraged.
Speaking on the same programme, Media Networks on Child Rights and Development (MNCRD) Executive Director, Mr. Henry Kabwe, said the community needs to be sensitized on children’s rights as stipulated in the Children’s Code Act no.12 of 2022.
Mr. Kabwe said there’s need to promote child work that will ensure that children attain the requisite skills that will help with the development of the nation.
“We need to promote child work because we don’t want a situation where children grow up without a skill,” he said.
“Child work is something that a child can do and still go to school, have their career whilst child labour is something that will deprive them from achieving what they want to achieve.”
Mr. Kabwe commended Government for introducing the free education policy as it will help in reducing cases of child labour.
(Picture highlights taken in Gwembe District, Zambia)